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Latin America & Caribbean Learning and Rapid Response

Fishing boats sitting amongst the trees on shore in Honduras
Helping USAID respond quickly to democratic backsliding, citizen security, and governance challenges
  • Client
    U.S. Agency for International Development
  • Dates
    2020 - Present


USAID needs evidence-based approaches to consolidate effective democracies that ensure the rights of their citizens.

Democratic norms in several countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) are backsliding. These countries suffer from weak institutions, corruption, governance crises, instability, conflict, crime, and violence that threaten their economic and social growth and development. USAID requires rapid analytical and learning services to both explain these trends and facilitate rapid-response, evidence-based programming in increasingly fragile and, at times, authoritarian contexts.


NORC strengthens USAID’s ability to study and assess democracy, rights, and governance.

As part of a consortium led by Development Professionals, Inc. and Making Cents International, NORC is providing innovative analytical services and rapid learning opportunities. NORC’s contributions include establishing a Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance (DRG) learning agenda for the LAC Bureau, leading a first-of-its-kind regional study of gender-based violence impunity, leading a citizen security assessment in Haiti, and assessing the relationship between democratic backsliding and migration.  NORC also developed guidance documents for engaging and including Indigenous and Afro-Descendant populations in DRG theories of change and using innovative measurement approaches to monitor citizen security programs.


NORC is supporting USAID in promoting citizen security and democracy.

Findings from these analytical activities are guiding USAID investments in the region, particularly those targeting improved citizen security, more transparent and effective governance, and reinforced resilience in democratic norms and attitudes.

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U.S. Agency for International Development