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Miguel Albornoz

Pronouns: He/Him

Senior Research Director
Miguel directs research and learning activities related to water, the environment, and governance.

Miguel designs, implements, and directs program evaluations, standalone sector studies, and learning activities to promote evidence use for improved global development outcomes. His roles include technical and management responsibilities for tasks ranging from impact and performance evaluations to learning agendas and convenings of academic experts. He specializes in research and learning activities related to urban water, the environment, and democracy, rights, and governance. His work mainly supports US government clients, such as the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC).

Miguel is the Project Director of an impact evaluation (IE) of the USAID Indonesia Urban Resilient Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (IUWASH) Tangguh Activity and the Project Director for NORC’s participation in the Latin America and Caribbean Learning and Rapid Response (LACLEARN) task order. The IE of the IUWASH Tangguh Activity investigates the activity’s contributions to outcomes related to household water security, resilient city-level water services, and water resource management. The LACLEARN task order contributes to improving democracy, human rights, and governance programming in the LAC region using state-of-the-art, gender-informed analytical and learning activities. He has additionally supported evaluations of USAID land and resource governance activities under the Communications, Evidence, and Learning (CEL) project. Miguel leads business development efforts to pursue new research and learning opportunities in the environment sector.

Prior to joining NORC, Miguel supported evaluations of MCC urban water programming in Lesotho and Tanzania and renewable energy programming in Indonesia as a Senior Program Manager at Social Impact. He has worked in different roles in support of over a dozen impact and performance evaluations and multiple monitoring and evaluation support platforms and global research and learning support activities. Miguel is a native English speaker and fluent Spanish speaker.