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PCOR CDS Current State and Future Directions

Young female medical healthcare patient in the ICU of hospital. Patient is sitting alone on medical bed, waiting for healthcare in hospital. Medical doctor is coming
Identify and disseminate learnings and opportunities to advance patient-centered CDS implementation
  • Funder
    Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
  • Dates
    September 2019 - March 2023

Objectives of the PCOR CDS Initiative Evaluation and Pilot Study

In 2016, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) began supporting the development and dissemination of evidence-based clinical decision support (CDS) through the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research (PCOR) CDS Initiative, which aims to accelerate the movement of evidence into clinical practice through CDS and make CDS more shareable, standards-based, and publicly available. Now that the initiative has been underway for several years, AHRQ has contracted with NORC at the University of Chicago to:

  1. Evaluate the PCOR CDS Initiative to assess program accomplishments and lessons learned
  2. Identify gaps in CDS development and identify future opportunities
  3. Conduct a proof-of-concept, patient-centered CDS pilot

Activities Conducted by NORC for the PCOR CDS Initiative

As part of the project, NORC is conducting activities to: 

  • Evaluate the extent to which the PCOR CDS Initiative promoted the dissemination and implementation of PCOR findings through sharable, standards-based, and publicly available CDS, and how it has done so
  • Identify what stakeholders perceive to be the impacts of the initiative and what potential impacts they foresee it having in the future
  • Conduct a horizon scan to identify new and promising directions for the future state of PC CDS
  • Convene a technical expert panel (TEP) to identify gaps and prioritize PC CDS research topics. The TEP will also provide input on the conduct of the evaluation, horizon scan, pilot project, and dissemination of project findings
  • Conduct a pilot study to test research questions about the future state of PC CDS
  • Disseminate findings from the pilot

Future Impacts of PC CDS

In collecting and later disseminating findings, the project targets PC CDS stakeholders, including clinicians and health systems, health information technology vendors and developers, informaticists, and researchers. The ultimate beneficiaries of the effort will be patients and their caregivers.

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