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Developing Retirement Modules for NCSES Workforce Surveys

Foursome of mature firiends spending quality time together on warm vacation beach. These beautiful boomers are realxed and enjoying a wine glass toast.
The first detailed look at the retirement pathways and experiences of the nation’s STEM workforce
  • Funder
    National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics
  • Dates
    May 2022 - Present


Lack of data on the transition to retirement of the U.S. science and engineering workforce.

Members of the U.S. science and engineering (S&E) workforce take numerous pathways from full-time employment to full retirement. Many older workers take a phased approach to retirement. Some transition to part-time work while others fully retire and then return to the workforce. NCSES seeks policy relevant data regarding the retirement experiences of the S&E workforce.


Developing a survey module on retirement.

NORC is assisting NCSES in the development of a retirement module for the Survey of Doctorate Recipients and the National Survey of College Graduates. Starting with a module developed by NCSES in an earlier phase of the research, NORC is currently conducting cognitive testing. A total of three rounds of testing with 40 PhD holders will be conducted. In addition, NORC is planning a stakeholder meeting in which retirement experts will be invited to review the retirement module and provide their feedback and recommendations.

Once the retirement module has undergone cognitive testing and expert review, NORC will integrate it into the SDR. Adaptations of the web survey for computer-assisted telephone interviewing and a paper-and-pencil instrument are being developed.


Launching a new retirement module in the 2023 Survey of Doctorate Recipients.

The retirement module will be included in the 2023 SDR. Based on the data from this 2023 pilot, the module will be refined prior to the 2025 fielding of the SDR and potential future fielding in the NSCG.

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