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Karen Swietek

Pronouns: She/Her

Senior Health Economist
Karen is a health economist with over 10 years of experience in health services research, statistical analysis, and quasi-experimental study design.

Karen’s research includes mixed-methods studies focused on primary care, behavioral health and chronic comorbidities, alternative payment and delivery models, and health equity.

Since joining NORC in 2011, Karen has worked on several multi-site evaluations for state and federal clients, including acting as the quantitative team lead for the Rhode Island 1115 Medicaid Waiver Evaluation and as a quantitative researcher for the Accountable Care Organization Realizing Equity and Community Health Model (ACO REACH) Model. Karen’s research has been published in peer-reviewed journals including Health Services Research and the Journal of General Internal Medicine. She is a member of AcademyHealth and The American Society of Health Economists.