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Support for CDC’s 6|18 Initiative

A little sick boy takes an inhalation while lying in bed in the evening.
Engaging state health agencies to adopt 6|18 Initiatives that improve population health
  • Client
    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Dates
    2021 - 2023

NORC at the University of Chicago, with funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and in partnership with the Center of Health Care Strategies (CHCS), will support the CDC Office of the Associate Director of Policy and Strategy (OADPS) in continuing and accelerating dissemination of information and practical tools for adopting the 6|18 framework. 

CDC’s 6|18 Initiative connects health care purchasers, payers, and providers with CDC researchers, economists, and policy analysts to improve health and control costs. The initiative focuses on effective interventions that target six high-burden health conditions using 18 evidence-based prevention and control interventions. The initiative supports state public health and Medicaid teams in implementing their selected 6|18 interventions through an online community called “the Collab” that provides technical assistance and resources.

NORC and CHCS develop resources for cross-sector engagement based on information stored on the Collab, interview state and public health officials, and maintain online discussion resources for the state teams using the Collab. 

NORC and CHCS also develop state spotlights of 6|18 Initiative innovations, update existing technical assistance resources for use by states and public health officials, develop peer-to-peer engagement opportunities for states, interview state and public health officials, and promote the materials on the site. 

Learn More About the Study

For the latest information about the CDC’s 6|18 Initiative - Accelerating Evidence into Action:

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