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Career & Technical Education Equity Gap Analysis and Equity Plan

Helping make career and technical training in Delaware more equitable and effective
  • Client
    Delaware Department of Education
  • Dates
    December 2022 – December 2023


The Delaware Department of Education seeks to identify and eliminate equity gaps in career and technical education.

The Delaware Department of Education (DDOE) established an equity work group to more fully understand equity gaps in its career and technical education (CTE) division. That knowledge will help it better provide high-quality programs and services for 12 career pathways that help students develop academic, technical, and employability skills and gain real-world experience for in-demand jobs. DDOE is committed to using an equity-centered lens to accomplish its mission and goals.


NORC is conducting work sessions to customize the equity gap analysis and comprehensive equity plan. 

DDOE reached out to NORC based on our equity and culturally responsive expertise and experience developing both an equity gap analysis tool and a cyclical equity process. 

NORC is using its Comprehensive Equity Plan framework and the equity gap analysis tool to conduct its equity gap analysis. The analysis focuses on five areas: 

  • Family and community engagement
  • Culturally responsive practice
  • Equitable access 
  • Fiscal equity
  • A diverse staff of early educators

NORC will customize and frame the equity gap analysis items from a CTE lens. Through a meaningful series of interactive work sessions and a review of existing resources, we will identify equity gaps and use that information to inform the development and implementation of a comprehensive CTE equity plan. We will also lead a series of interactive work sessions to help the CTE equity work group draft a comprehensive equity plan. To monitor its progress and the fidelity of implementation, we will help establish performance measures for every action step, strategy, and activity. 


The Delaware Department of Education will have the means to identify and address equity gaps in its CTE division. 

DDOE will have an actionable equity plan and be well-positioned to implement it with fidelity to eliminate equity gaps within its CTE division. In addition, it will have strategies and action steps to build capacity and continue to journey through the cyclical equity process. This inward focus on how to deepen its equitable practices will equip DDOE staff with more humanizing and strategic ways to support its CTE programs. 

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