WATCH: Megan Stead on Bringing Innovation & Stability to Data Systems
This video was featured in our newsletter, NORC Selects: Innovations for Value & Equity in Medicaid.
July 2024
NORC's expertise in complex data systems improves the quality and timeliness of data for decision-makers.
Bringing innovation and stability to data systems fuels insights that inform data-driven decision-making and valuable research.
In this month’s expert video, senior research director Megan Stead discusses managing complex data projects, making health care data more user friendly and stable, and how data stability drives health equity. Her work focuses on managing complex data projects using data sources like Medicaid, Medicare, and health care surveys. She uses her passion for bringing innovation and stability to data systems to improve the quality and timeliness of data, and ultimately inform data-driven decision-making.
NORC projects mentioned in this video:
This video was featured in our newsletter, NORC Selects: Innovations for Value & Equity in Medicaid.