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Trustworthy Insights on Americans Age 50 and Over

NORC Article

This article is from our NORC Now newsletter. Subscribe today.

June 2021

Americans age 50 and older are the nation’s fastest-growing demographic. They’re also very influential: They vote, they spend, and they’re active for longer than ever before. But the lack of reliable data on this population—and all of its subgroups—has made it difficult for companies and organizations to adequately serve their needs.

So NORC has joined forces with AARP, one of the most trusted names among older Americans, to address the challenge by launching Foresight 50+, the highest-quality research panel of Americans age 50 and over.

Foresight 50+ combines the consumer expertise of AARP with the scientific rigor of NORC to amplify the voice of this growing and evolving group. The panel gathers insights into the views and behaviors of 50+ Americans—everything from what they buy to what they think.

Foresight 50+ builds on NORC’s highly regarded AmeriSpeak® survey panel, going the extra mile to listen to every segment of the diverse 50+ population including those who are underrepresented in other surveys. We do this by combining proven sampling methods, such as mailings and phone calls, with in-person recruitment of participants to ensure that we’re reaching every corner of the nation.

We’ve published three case studies that illuminate what Americans age 50 and over have been thinking and buying during the pandemic. The case studies looked at:

Personal Tech: Americans age 50 and over conquered social distancing by adopting technology, with a Foresight 50+ survey finding major increases in use of personal devices and positive attitudes toward them during the pandemic.

Social Security: As the United States marks the 85th anniversary of Social Security, a survey found enormous support for the program, with most American adults thinking it was even more vital during the pandemic.

Mental Health: For Americans age 50 and older, the pandemic has increased loneliness and anxiety and made them worry more about the future.

This article is from our flagship newsletter, NORC Now. NORC Now keeps you informed of the full breadth of NORC’s work, the questions we help our clients answer, and the issues we help them address.

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