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Series taken in a Jewish synagogue, with congregants blowing shofar and studing and reading the torah scrolls.

Antisemitic Attitudes in the U.S. Have Increased Significantly Since 2019

NORC Article

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January 2023

A new NORC survey for the ADL (the Anti-Defamation League) revealed significantly more antisemitic prejudice among Americans than the ADL found in a similar 2019 survey. The study included an extensive development stage with input from major experts on hate research, over 100 in-depth interviews with Americans from a wide range of demographic identities and political persuasions, and a survey of nearly 4,200 individuals using NORC’s probability-based AmeriSpeak® Panel. We asked survey respondents the extent to which they agreed with different statements about Jews and found that 20 percent of American adults—as many as 52 million people—agreed with six or more of 11 anti-Jewish tropes.

“This survey is perhaps the most in-depth study ever conducted of anti-Jewish hatred in the U.S. It leverages state-of-the-art survey techniques to generate the most honest and unbiased views of the American public possible.”

David Dutwin

Senior Vice President

“This survey is perhaps the most in-depth study ever conducted of anti-Jewish hatred in the U.S. It leverages state-of-the-art survey techniques to generate the most honest and unbiased views of the American public possible.”

Among the findings: 39 percent of respondents believe that Jews are more loyal to Israel than the United States, and 20 percent say Jews have “too much power” in the United States. The survey also asked the extent to which respondents agreed with anti-Israel beliefs and found that many Americans harbor extremely negative antisemitic views, including 23 percent who believe that Israel gets away with anything and controls the media and 18 percent who say they are uncomfortable spending time with a pro-Israel person.  

This article is from our flagship newsletter, NORC Now. NORC Now keeps you informed of the full breadth of NORC’s work, the questions we help our clients answer, and the issues we help them address.

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