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Alana Knudson Awarded National Rural Health Association’s Outstanding Researcher Award

Press Release

NORC at the University of Chicago is pleased to announce that Alana Knudson, director of NORC’s Walsh Center for Rural Health Analysis, is the recipient of the National Rural Health Association’s (NRHA) Outstanding Researcher Award. Knudson is nationally known as leader in developing and evaluating Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and Federal Office of Rural Health Policy (FORHP) demonstration projects and her teams have produced impactful research to improve sustainable rural access to high quality services.

“Alana is beloved by all who know her and is widely regarded within the research community as one of the foremost champions for rural communities and rural people,” says NORC senior fellow and director of research and programs at East Tennessee State University, Michael Meit.

We congratulate Alana Knudson on this incredible accomplishment.

“Alana is beloved by all who know her and is widely regarded within the research community as one of the foremost champions for rural communities and rural people.”

Michael Meit

Senior Fellow and Director

“Alana is beloved by all who know her and is widely regarded within the research community as one of the foremost champions for rural communities and rural people.”
