More than half of NORC’s board is composed of UChicago faculty members and administrators, and we co-sponsor several Academic Research Centers (ARCs) that are housed on the University’s campus.
The benefits of the NORC-UChicago partnership are manifold. NORC’s robust data collection and analytical capabilities greatly enhance UChicago’s research capacity, and UChicago gives NORC access to a vast network of subject matter experts who can contribute to our client work. And having UChicago as our longstanding partner enables NORC and our Academic Research Centers to attract colleagues and clients who value the free, robust, and uninhibited debate for which the university is known. In turn, we support UChicago facility in applying for and administering grants and provide graduate students with experience in real-world settings.
The combination of our two organizations leads to high-quality, impactful research on such topics as demography, education, governance, health care, labor, and social policy. Our joint efforts include the National Social Life, Health, and Aging Project, a longitudinal study that commenced almost 20 years ago; Getting on Track, an examination of pre-school instruction and learning; and A Path to Equity, a report on the academic benefits of Chicago Public School’s pre-K program.