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Sai Loganathan

Pronouns: He/Him

Principal Health Economist
Sai has expertise in patient safety and quality of care, payment and delivery system reform, and price transparency and market consolidation.

Sai has over 15 years of experience conducting mixed-methods evaluations of health care payment and delivery system reform initiatives, analyzing health care administrative and survey data to inform policy, and developing and disseminating analytic products.

Sai directs NORC’s evaluation of the CMS Innovation Center’s Vermont All-Payer ACO model. He serves as the Analytics Lead on the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) funded by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). He serves as a methods advisor and Medicare policy expert on the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey project and the Next-Generation ACO Model evaluation.

With support from the SCAN Foundation, he published a groundbreaking study on the affordability of long-term care and housing for America’s middle-income seniors. The publication in Health Affairs was the fifth-most read article in 2019.