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Understanding the public’s shifting beliefs and behaviors.

The rapid changes in our society require swift, nuanced research into Americans’ beliefs and behaviors. NORC’s Public Affairs & Media Research department provides those insights for the nation’s top media, consulting, policymaking, and philanthropic organizations.

We explore a range of issues — from people’s religious beliefs to why they buy certain goods. And if the question is especially urgent, we can incorporate NORC’s AmeriSpeak, a probability-based panel that lets us complete projects in weeks, even days.

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The American mindset is ever-changing and requires careful monitoring and measuring.

Men and Women Differ Sharply on Title IX Gains

NORC Article

Fifty years after the 1972 landmark anti-discrimination law, most Americans reported solid strides for white women, but fewer for women of color, LGBTQ women, and low-income women.

Third of Adults Believe Conspiracy Theory about Immigrants and U.S. Elections

NORC Article

One in three adults thinks native-born Americans are being replaced by immigrants for electoral gain.